In the current context where the skin of our hands is severely tested by the overabundance of disinfectant, Café le torréfacteur offers you a homemade moisturizing formula recipe, featuring our sumptuous coffees.
A real moisturizing exfoliating treatment for both hands and feet, it is made from a mixture of coconut oil, aloe and dry coffee grounds.
Simple, effective and natural, here is the procedure to follow in order to reproduce it at home:
☕ Mix the aloe well to make it as smooth as possible;
☕ Melt the aloe and oil in a cauldron;
☕ Sprinkle dry coffee grounds into small muffin tins;
☕ Put the melted oil mixture in the molds and add coffee grounds on top;
☕ Let it harden in the cold for a few hours.
Each mold gives a superb exfoliating moisturizer due to the coffee grounds, ideal both for washing your hands or simply rehydrating them at the end of the day, it will seduce you with its aromas and properties.